Home > Mobiles and Your Health

Mobiles and Your Health...

Below are our articles on the subject of Mobiles and Your Health. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Are Mobile Phone Games Addictive?
Are Mobile Phone Games Addictive?
Mobile games can certainly be addictive but as a much maligned sector of the gaming industry, gamers have on the whole been finding them very easy to resist....
Can Mobiles Really Damage your Health?
Can Mobiles Really Damage your Health?
Mobile phones and mobile phone masts are being blamed for all manner of serious health problems but is it just groundless scaremongering or can mobiles really damage…...
Does Text Speak Affect Grammatical Ability?
Does Text Speak Affect Grammatical Ability?
Is text speak or 'txt spk' encouraging kids to abandon traditional English grammar or does this new form of written communication actually have a positive effect on…...
How Much Time Should You Spend on a Mobile?
How Much Time Should You Spend on a Mobile?
Although potentially a harmful problem, mobile phone dependency is still largely unrecognised by users - so how can you tell if your mobile use is normal or out of hand?...
Mobile Addiction: Is it a real problem?
Mobile Addiction: Is it a real problem?
Mobile phones have become such an important part of young people’s lives that an increasing number are showing signs of alarming dependency. Is mobile addiction…...
Mobile Phone Masts and Public Health
Mobile Phone Masts and Public Health
Mobile phone masts have attracted enormous controversy because of concern about the health risks of living in proximity to one, but is there really any truth to the…...
What's the Truth About Mobiles and Cancer?
What's the Truth About Mobiles and Cancer?
The debate about mobile phones and cancer is far from settled but a new multimillion pound study involving quarter of a million people has just been launched to find…...