Regulations and Law...
Below are our articles on the subject of Regulations and Law. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Can I use a Mobile While Cycling?
If using a mobile phone while driving is against the law then does the same rule apply to cycling, as by doing so also presents a safety risk to road users?...

Can Mobile Phones Be Used in Hospitals?
Mobile phones can cause problems with equipment and privacy in hospitals but new rules make it possible for patients to use them in selected areas....

Implications Using a Mobile While Driving
Although drink driving is widely accepted to be the most dangerous action on the roads, recent evidence suggests that mobile phones present an even greater risk....

Technology to Protect Your Mobile
Protecting mobile phones from theft and loss involves inventing new technology to outwit potential thieves and to protect you from your own forgetful lapses....

The Law on Photo Taking with a Mobile Phone?
As the citizen’s freedom to snap comes under increasing threat from the law and its enforcers we ask, what rights does a photographer and their mobile phone camera have?...

The Laws on Driving and Using a Mobile Phone
The consequences of driving whilst using a mobile phone can be disastrous and the law has attempted to clamp down on this ‘inexcusable habit’....

UK Law on SMS Messaging By Businesses
Of all the advertisements that bombard consumers few have proved more irritating than the unsolicited SMS ad. Fortunately laws are in place to keep them out of our…...

What Are the International Laws on SIM Locking?
Most mobile phones in the UK are SIM locked to the UK and to a network provider and can be unlocked. Other countries don’t have the same rules; some don’t allow…...

What Happens If You Video a Cinema Film?
Using a mobile phone to record a film is against film copyright but the pirate films produced are generally poor quality. A worse problem in cinemas is the constant…...